DIMACS 2004-2008 Special Focus on Computation and the Socio-Economic Sciences:


Lance Fortnow, CS, University of Chicago, [email protected]
Fred Roberts, DIMACS/Rutgers University, [email protected]
Rakesh Vohra, Kellogg School of Management, [email protected]

Organizing Committee:

Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University, [email protected]
Jayant Kalagnanam, IBM Watson Labs, [email protected]
Eric Maskin, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, [email protected]
Christos Papadimitriou, University of California, Berkeley, [email protected]
Aleksandar Pekec, Duke University, [email protected]
David Pennock, Overture Services, [email protected]
Michael Rothkopf, Rutgers University, [email protected]
Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon University, [email protected]
Vijay Vazirani, Georgia Tech, [email protected]


The National Science Foundation

DIMACS' partners:
Rutgers University
Princeton University
AT&T Labs - Research
Bell Labs
NEC Research Institute
Telcordia Technologies

DIMACS' Affiliate Members:
Avaya Labs
Georgia Institute of Technology
IBM Research
HP Labs
Microsoft Research
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Stevens Institute of Technology

Up. Index of Special Focus on Computation and the Socio-Economic Sciences
DIMACS Home Page
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on February 16, 2007.