Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical Sciences Enterprise
July 6 - July 17, 1998

Conference Organizers

Rochelle Leibowitz, Wheaton College
Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University


Expose faculty teaching undergraduates to current research topics relevant to the classroom, involve them in writing materials useful to the classroom, and reconnect them to current mathematical sciences research, with opportunities to follow up after the conference.

Topics & Principal Lecturers

Computational Molecular Biology
Martin Farach, Rutgers University
Ramamoorthi Ravi, Carnegie Mellon University

Visiting Lecturers:
Dannie Durand, Sridhar Hannanhalli, Russell Schwartz, Mona Singh and Shibu Yooseph

Network Visualization
Jon Berry, Elon College
Nate Dean, Rice University

Visiting Lecturers:
Emden Gansner, Brenda Latka, Stephen North and Roberto Tamassia

Program Schedule
Undergraduate Curriculum
Reconnect '99
Two-Day Workshop
Photo Album

Who may apply?

Faculty from two and four-year colleges and others whose primary job is undergraduate teaching. Minimal prior exposure to algorithm analysis and graph theory is helpful, but not required.
For program information contact Elaine Foley, Conference Administrator
Tel: (732)445-4631
Fax: (732) 445-5932 email: [email protected]

DIMACS/CoRE Bldg. Room 430
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
96 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018

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