Explorations in the World of Cellular Automata (click for more information on this topic)
Lawrence Gray, University of Minnesota ([email protected])
Algorithms for Graph Coloring (click for more information on this topic)
Catherine McGeoch, Amherst College ([email protected])
This conference is geared towards exposing faculty teaching undergraduates to two current research topics relevant to the classroom and involving them in writing materials useful in the classroom.
This conference is also aimed at reconnecting faculty to the mathematical sciences enterprise by involving them in a leading research center which is a consortium of Princeton University, Rutgers University, AT&T, Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies, NEC Research and Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore). There will be opportunities to follow up after the conference by getting connected to DIMACS researchers and other DIMACS programs throughout the year.
Conference Organizers:
Rochelle Leibowitz, Wheaton College ([email protected])
Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University ([email protected])
Joseph Rosenstein, DIMACS, Rutgers University ([email protected])
Sessions will be held at the DIMACS headquarters, located at Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ.
Lodging and Meals:
Lodging and meals will be provided through NSF funding.
Who may apply?
Faculty from two and four year colleges and others whose primary job is undergraduate teaching.
Application | Participants |
Schedule Week 1 | Schedule Week 2 | Hotel Information | Directions | Reconnect 1998 | Reconnect 1999 |
To receive more information contact Christine Spassione, Reconnect Program Administrator at [email protected], or telephone at (732) 445-5928.
Reconnect Program Administrator
DIMACS / CoRE Bldg. / 4th Floor
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
96 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018 USA
Document last modified on June 14, 2000.