« MPE2013+ Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities - Introducing Participants to MPE2013+ Topics
January 07, 2014 - January 10, 2014
Carson Ballroom
Arizona State University
Old Main Building
400 E Tyler Mall
Tempe, AZ
Click here for map.
Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Arizona State University
Fred Roberts, DIMACS
This workshop will introduce participants to the MPE2013+ activity by preparing them to participate in the workshops (research and education) that we will run. The participants will be graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, with an emphasis on those in the mathematical sciences and those not yet having prior exposure to topics represented in MPE and in particular in the workshops we plan. We will include an introduction to each of the five research workshop topics, providing needed background in both the mathematics and the subject matter such as natural disasters or global change. The speakers/tutorial presenters will be chosen from among the organizers of the main workshops or from suggestions those organizers make as to people who can best introduce the subject of their workshop. This introduction, together with suggested readings, should allow the participants to be prepared for participation in the following workshops. We will ask them to fill out an application form suggesting which of the workshops they would like to participate in and explaining how they might be able to make a contribution.
One of the goals of MPE2013+ is workforce development, preparing a new generation of mathematical scientists, exposed to and prepared to work in the new multidisciplinary environment of science in the future, as reflected by but by no means limited to the problems we will explore in MPE2013+. We hope that getting grad students involved in MPE will encourage them to stay in grad school and continue in the field, and that getting postdocs and junior faculty involved will excite them to work in MPE but also give them a way to draw in others into STEM disciplines.
Participation in this workshop is by invitation only. It will consist mainly of early career researchers interested in learning about the topics of the Special DIMACS Program: Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+. (Early Career Researchers are defined as faculty or researchers who have earned their doctorate within the previous three years, postdocs, graduate students, and upper-level undergraduates with research experience.) Early career researchers interested in applying for financial support to attend the workshop should submit the requested materials here. Applicants should also complete the registration form. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2013 and will continue until all slots are filled. Applicants accepted for financial support will be contacted with additional instructions on registration at that time.
There maybe room to invite additional participants interested in attending the workshop. Anyone who has not received an invitation and is interested in requesting an invitation to participate should complete the registration form and select "Applying for an Invitation" from the pull down menu. Applications will be reviewed by the committee. Applicants will be notified if they have been selected to receive an invitation.
Presented in association with the Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ Program.