« DIMACS Day of Complexity Tutorials
July 17, 2019
Rutgers Academic Building, Room 2225
Rutgers University
College Avenue Campus
15 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ
Click here for map.
Eric Allender, Rutgers University
The annual Computational Complexity Conference (CCC'19) will be held at Rutgers University on July 18–20, 2019.
The DIMACS Day of Complexity Tutorials immediately precedes the conference and will feature two half-day tutorials on topics that are deemed to be especially exciting and relevant for the CCC community. The confirmed tutorial speakers are Mika Göös and Omer Reingold.
Tutorials will be targeted toward postdocs, graduate students, advanced undergraduates with prior work in complexity, or others who would like a cohesive introduction to the topics.
There are funds available to assist students and postdocs in attending this event and the CCC conference. These funds are awarded through a single, coordinated process for travel awards for CCC and the Tutorial Day. Please see the application form for more details, and submit your application by May 31 for full consideration. The decisions will be announced by June 7.
Breakfast and lunch are provided during the Tutorial.
Please note: if you will attend the Tutorial Day, you must register using the registration link below (it is not part of the CCC registration).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Registration and Breakfast
Help Me Solve All Problems in Communication Complexity (via Lifting)
Mika Göös, Institute for Advanced Study
Break (30 minutes)
Help Me Solve All Problems in Communication Complexity (via Lifting) - cont.
Recent Developments Related to RL vs. L
Omer Reingold, Stanford University
Break (30 minutes)
Recent Developments Related to RL vs. L - cont.
This event is open to all who register to attend. There is no registration fee for students, postdocs, or DIMACS members, and a $30 fee for all others.
Travel Allowances: There are funds available to assist students and postdocs in attending this event and the CCC conference. These funds are awarded through a single, coordinated process for travel awards for CCC and the Tutorial Day. Please see the application form for more details, and submit your application by May 31 for full consideration. The decisions will be announced by June 7.
Please note you must also register for parking.
Visitors may park in Lots 26, 30 & College Avenue Deck without permits. Tutorial attendees must use the below link to register for parking for the event. Until this process is completed your vehicle is not registered and you may receive a citation. Special event parking and special event permits are only for visitors to the University which does not include free metered parking. Faculty, Staff, and Students must park only in lots they are authorized to park in.
Click to Register for Parking.
Presented in association with the Special Focus on Lower Bounds in Computational Complexity.