Seminar Talks: Steve Leonhardi, coauthor of the VCTAL module “Competition or Collusion” on game theory, gave three recent seminar talks on game theory related to sustainability. He spoke at the Pi Mu Epsilon Induction Ceremony at St. Mary’s University on April 16, 2015; at the Mathematical Association of America-North Central Section Spring Meeting at Winona State Univiversity on April 24, 2015; and gave a CLASP (Consortium of Liberal Arts and Sciences Promotion) Lecture at Winona State University on March 18, 2015.
Special Seminar: Jon Choate, coauthor of a VCTAL module on Polynomiography, gave a seminar entitled Enriching the Study of Polynomial Equations Using Polynomiography hosted by the Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education at Rutgers University on March 10, 2015.
Teacher Workshop: Paul Kehle was the instructor for a workshop for secondary school teachers entitled Make Me a Match. The workshop was held March 7, 2015 at Cornell University and presented material based on the “Fair and Stable Matching” module he coauthored.
SIGCSE Symposium: Tamra Carpenter represented VCTAL as part of a booth on Broadening Participation projects sponsored by NCWIT. The SIGCSE Symposium was held March 4-7, 2015 in Kansas City, MO.
Workshop Talk: Tamra Carpenter, “Teach Your Children Well: Planning for Sustainability”, MPE2013+ Workshop on Data-aware Energy Use, University of California - San Diego, September 29-October 1, 2014. [Workshop web site] [PDF Talk]
Colloquium Talk: Midge Cozzens and Gene Fiorini, “Resources for Addressing Common Core Standards in Math, Language Arts, and Next Generation Science Standards,” Mathematics Colloquium, Teachers College, Columbia University, September 15, 2014. [Abstract]
Consortium Article: The Fall/Winter 2013 Volume of COMAP Consortium includes an article on Polynomiography by Jon Choate, who is coauthor of the VCTAL module on “Polynomiography and Art.” The article appears on pages 8-10 of Consortium volume 105. The article is provided here courtesy of COMAP: [PDF article]
Workshop Talk: Midge Cozzens, “Developing Interdisciplinary Materials for 9-14 Classrooms”, Workshop on Teaching Discrete and Algebraic Mathematical Biology to Undergraduates, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University, July 29-August 2, 2013. [Workshop website][PDF Talk]
International Innovation Article: An article by Rebecca Wright and Midge Cozzens in International Innovation magazine describes activities in VCTAL and other DIMACS education projects aimed at preparing students for a “multidisciplinary future.” International Innovation disseminates accessible information on the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. [PDF Article]
Conference Talk: Katrina Palmer, “It’s an Electrifying Idea, but is it Affordable?”, North Carolina Council for Teachers of Mathematics Conference, October 25-26, 2012. This talk presents the VCTAL module on electric cars to teachers of mathematics in NC.
Conference Session: Midge Cozzens and Tamra Carpenter (moderators), “Interdisciplinary Materials for High School Classrooms – Challenges and Impact,” NSF Discovery Research K-12 PI Meeting, June 13-15, 2012. [PDF Slides ] [Poster]
Project News: VCTAL project evaluator Andrea Weinberg was one of 10 early-career researchers selected to be a 2011-2012 CADRE (Community Advancing Discovery Research in Education) Fellow. Weinberg is completing her Ph.D. in the School of Education at Colorado State University where she contributes to projects on all phases of the development and implementation of evaluation and research studies to examine the effectiveness of STEM programs and initiatives. The CADRE Fellowship program provides a professional development for early career researchers who are currently working on a NSF Discovery Research (DR) K-12 project like VCTAL. Fellows gain exposure to research and development related to STEM education, gain insights into NSF and what it takes to be successful and effective in this work, and network with DR K-12 PIs and Fellows from across the country. As a CADRE Fellow, Weinberg will continue to examine the effectiveness of VCTAL and other STEM initiatives. Evaluation of short-term educational interventions like modules is challenging, particularly when the interventions occur across multiple sites, as in VCTAL. Weinberg will continue to explore evaluation designs, approaches, and alternative student outcomes for use in evaluation studies of such interventions.
Colloquium Talk: Tamra Carpenter and Midge Cozzens, “Interdisciplinary Materials for High School Classrooms – Challenges and Impact,” Mathematics Colloquium, Teachers College, Columbia University, March 5, 2012. [PDF Slides ]